Foundation for online marketing

Exterus is the one-stop shop for businesses with international employees. The company helps expats and knowledge migrants quickly and easily adapt to their new situation. Together with Exterus, Brandcode developed a new brand story and website. These form the foundation for the company’s successful online marketing.

“For Exterus, the team’s goal was to realise a successful make-over. The overall appearance, the improved user experience and the effective use of SEO and SEA generate more traffic and leads.”

Tom Straathof

Generating more leads

What was Exterus’ original need? Generating more leads. Of course, that is something every organisation wants. No matter how much you invest in your marketing campaigns, clients will stay away as long as your website is not up to par. Before investing any money in online marketing or campaigns, it is important to make sure your story and your website are in order.

Strong positioning

For Exterus, it is all about the connection between people. Brandcode was able to bring this story to life on the company’s new website. From the choice of visuals to video and from copy to the use of colour; the brand story is embedded in every word, design and photographic element. With a strong positioning and a unique brand story, you can persuade people to choose you over your competitors.

Generating valuable leads

The new website has already gone live and we have begun our online marketing efforts. Our goal is to generate more visitors, leads and revenue. Among other things, we utilise a strong content strategy to realise this. For this, Brandcode has joined forces with Branddiggers. The tools we use include blogs, landing pages, videos, e-books and news articles.
These are the perfect means to tell your story and expand your reach. Together with Exterus and Branddiggers, we continue to build a groundbreaking brand.


Building a fresh branding