Rebranding for BouwGarant

BouwGarant is the largest construction certification organization in the Netherlands. Their brand has been around for over 25 years. Over the years, the house style had become inconsistent due to interim changes. So time for a refresh! BouwGarant has asked several design agencies to make a proposal. Because of our extensive experience in (re)branding and our no-nonsense approach, they chose for Brandcode.

“ A carefully monitored and consistently applied house style to all communications contributes to a strong brand identity that inspires trust and loyalty.”

Martine Bruyn

Working together for a fresh brand

We started with an intake session in which we mapped out the wishes of the customer. BouwGarant wants to position itself as a brand that exudes certainty, reliability and craftsmanship. Their own members, but also consumers, must be able to recognize themselves in BouwGarant’s communications. With this information, our creative team made several design proposals. We looked at the following pillars: typography, colour, shape, image and logo. Together with the client, we determined which designs were best used to get the branding in a new, fresh line.

BouwGarant works with several agencies, so it is important that the brand is clear and consistent for everyone. With this in mind, we have developed the updated brand manual. This contains all style elements such as the use of color, the application of the logo, but also the use of images. By means of the manual it is possible to keep the house style unambiguous.

Implementation of the branding

Based on the updated brand manual, we have converted the certificates, flyers, conditions and information sheets to the new branding. With this we have provided a good basis and made it easier to apply the style on other items as well.. Such as the design of a folder that is sent to participants to store documents in, but also the animation of the BouwGarant logo. This animation is used in TV commercials and in video content on social media.


In addition to the main brand items, we have designed a booklet about the newly announced Wet kwaliteitsborging (Wkb). To explain the new law to the members in a light-hearted way, we have provided a booklet with clarifying illustrations. The booklet was part of a direct mailing campaign to provide members with more information about the new law. At the same time, the mailing was also the first announcement of an e-learning program initiated by BouwGarant. For the video lessons in the e-learning program we have also animated the illustrations from the booklet.

An advisory role

Brandcode monitors that BouwGarant’s new branding is correctly applied in all communications. As a result, in many cases we have an advisory role in the use of the updated branding. The same goes for the website. We monitor the development by the agency that creates the website and provide tailor-made advice on the digital implementation of new branding.


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